Minggu, 17 Maret 2013

Six Exco PSSI Walk Out Of Extraordinary Congress (KLB).

Diposting oleh Citra Agustiani Pamungkas di 17.22
After the riot had occurred prior to the Extraordinary Congress (KLB) continued, as there are dozens Pengprov who did not get an invitation to force entry into the arena outbreaks.

This time again the unusual incidents that six members of the Executive Committee (Exco) PSSI chose to walked out of the arena Extraordinary Congress (KLB).

Six members of the Exco is Farid Rahman, Bob Hippy, Sihar Sitorus, Mawardi Nurdin, Tuty Dau and Widodo Santoso. While five other Exco members choose to stay afloat and will follow until the end of the outbreak.
The action was allegedly carried out by the six members of Exco because it does not agree with the agenda related to the discussion of the implementation of the additional Ordinary Congress.

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